
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Inverse Relationship

When you take the CPA, the test prep trainers tell you "There is an inverse relationship between you passing the test and having fun.  The less fun you have during this time, the more likely you are to pass the test."  Boy, they weren't kidding.  I tried to kid myself.  In denial, I played during the day, tried to cram everyday after work and take breaks during my study sessions.  Once that failed, I'd study all day, tell my friends I couldn't go out, and instead find myself watching Laguna Beach marathons on MTV (yes, I'm that old, season 1 to be even more honest).

The quicker I learned of the inverse relationship and acknowledged it.. the faster I passed the dang test.

Now, I find myself in a similar predicament with an inverse relationship between how much fun we're having and the time I spend blogging.

While I enjoy blogging and find it horrifically therapeutic and time consuming in a good way, the more we find ourselves busy doing, the less I find myself sitting down to blog.  And because I tend to blog about things I'm thinking rather than things we're doing, I find there is less time to think about life when I'm busy living it.  Oh well.  I guess if there's an inverse relationship between the amount of time I spend blogging and the amount of fun things I'm doing... you can consider my time as loads of fun.




  1. Daisy,
    I viewed your "I'm a Mormon" video on today. It inspired me so much I had to do a google search for your blog. I spent the next few hours reading, completely immersed in your writing. I had to leave a comment and let you know how you have inspired me today. I grew up a member of the church and have a strong testimony of its truthfullness. I realized today though, that I may be guilty of taking the blessing of having it my whole life for granted. I am amazed at the things you gave up, the many changes you made in your lifestyle and your strength and committment. I don't know if I would have been so strong with the peer pressure and temptations you faced. You are a remarkable woman and I am so thankful to have come across your message and your blog today. I am humbled by a renewed realization of all my blessings from a loving Heavenly Father. You have been an answer to prayer for me today and have helped me in ways I cannot describe. Thank you for your message and for sharing your tender feelings and experiences. They have touched me deeply today.

  2. Dear Pam,

    Your comment sincerely touched me, thank you for reaching out and for your kind words. I think you underestimate yourself, just because you grew up as a member doesn't make it any easier! We all have our different trials but I do sincerely believe the Lord will never give us anything too difficult for us, we just sometimes are unaware of our own capabilities. Thanks for stopping by and again for your sweet words.
