In other news, where did summer go?! It's almost all gone!! I can't get enough of my boys. I love 'em to pieces! I love being a mom of two. I guess you could say it took me a while for motherhood love to kick in. I loved my son, but I didn't always love being with him. (I love you, I'm just not in love with you.. ha!) I'm sort of a homebody, so I think it took me a while to jump on the bandwagon of going out a lot. Blame it on my upbringing, kids aren't supposed to go out often according to my traditional Chinese parents. I was having a conversation with Andy about summertime and I revealed to him that I didn't always love summers. Summers growing up for me meant a big super workbook, a lot of Disney movies, and a few camps and family trips that never took up enough of my time. Some of the fun that Jordan has in a day is equivalent to the load of fun I'd have all summer growing up. It's not that my parents didn't love me and take us out to different places, it's just that my mom wasn't a stay at home mom, so we really only had the weekends, and well part of that time is for them to run errands and relax and so I can remember vividly trips with the family or friends that were raging fun! Sadly, those only took up about 25% of the entire summer and I couldn't wait to get back to school.
As a new mom, I took for granted the freedom and luxury of being a stay at home mom and only seemed to see the chores I had to do. I am flabbergasted at how much we can load into a day's worth of fun sometimes. You know, they shouldn't call it SAHM (stay at home mom), they should call it, GOATTM (go out all the time Mom), because I honestly don't feel like I'm home often! Maybe it's cuz of the summer, maybe it's because cousins and family are filling up our social calendars, but stay at home, we definitely do not, at least not often.
Anyway, I took a short night shift tonight so I'm off to bed. Sweet dreams. Enjoy July photos...
perfecting his swing...
3 months old!
flirting with Abby
bubbles in the jacuzzi!
the shirt says it all: Big Guy!
channeling Shrek for the Pioneer Day firework extravaganza (seriously a 45 minute firework show!)
Science Camp for a day with kids in the neighborhood... we live in an awesome place!
Souplantation with Bubba and the girls while the boys went camping
naked glory!
Jordan loves his brother.. and watching TV with him...
Love all the pictures! Bubba is such a little chunk!! I love it!!!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I had a face wash that bleached all my washcloths in high school/college. It wasn't proactiv, but it did make me stop and some powerful chemical in this goop is going on my face and into my pores. Comforting thoughts! Fortunately I don't have to use it much anymore, but I totally empathize with the bleached towels.
ReplyDeleteI think these are best pictures forever
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