Thursday, March 1, 2018

Dollar Tree Is My Jam

I think I have gone to Dollar Tree, on average, about 3 times a week for the three weeks.  It has been a whirlwind of a budget saving, organize doing, decluttering and minimalist wannabe journey, and so far I am HAVING A BLAST!  The best thing about this hobby is that it directly benefits my home, my place of being for MOST of the day (when I'm not carpooling), and it's reminded me a bit of who I used to be and not so much abandoned, but kind of left at the wayside and said, I'll be back to pick you up, but then forgot about it because life got busy with four kids.  Sure, it's a little more work with upkeep when four little cute monsters are trailing after you, but it's also that much more imperative that I do it to stay sane.

I know a lot of people have these similar feeling as it relates to getting back into something they left behind when they had kids.  Here's a little secret about me though... I don't have any long-term hobbies, unless getting new hobbies counts as a hobby.  Oh, and writing, but I've never really stopped writing.  Yes, yes, I do like working out, but I didn't get really serious about it until 2008.  Yes, yes, I do love making cakes now, but that's a super recent interest, and I really only make cakes for birthdays in the family.  Yes, yes, I did learn Photoshop, but that was again recent... well I guess the last 5 years, so it's been a while now.  Yes, yes, I do like to eat, but we are more coupon loving eating out type of people, so we haven't explored beyond much of our savings books lately.  But organizing and cleaning... just in this little bit that I've been doing, has already got me reminiscing about my old school Japanese pre-daisy married with kids type stores that I would frequent to load up on storage, and just kind of life took over.  Organizing is probably the one thing I have been doing my entire life.. since I was a wee little one.  That and rearranging furniture....

I took a look at my old storage containers, and they are all opaque whites and purples, glitter speckled clear cases, and pink.  It's hilarious because I can't even buy those kinds of storage containers now because where would I get them from?!  I'm so glad I revisited an old passion, and had to learn the hard way that organizing is not something you do once, you have to revisit, monitor, update, etc.  I guess much like everything else in life... but it's been fun and I can't wait to see what the rest of Spring Cleaning brings me.  I already have grand plans for listing out the areas I want to clean.... the vents, the window sills (if that's what you call the area between our old school two layer storm windows), the fans, the oven, the tiny teenie crevices, the kitchen cabinets, the dining table and chairs, etc.... I'm sure I'll think of more as the time comes around.

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