Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Multitasking To The Max

They say multi-taskers are losers because instead of doing anything right, they do everything wrong.

I am currently doing Bar Method in my living room, running to answer e-mails, texting my husband good night and sorry I missed his call to say good night and pray with me an hour ago, and grabbing the book I'm currently reading (The Entitlement Trap by Richard and Linda Eyre) while recalling I need to unload the dryer and start folding those whites while I can which by the way, I put on hold so I could blog about it.

Is it sad that the only photos I have of Jordan and me are taken with the iPhone reflection option in our poorly lighted living room where we spend 90% of our time?

Absolutely in love with his face in this photo. What a goofball.

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