Saturday, May 14, 2011

Two Weeks Have Gone By?

It seems like I only gave birth yesterday. It seems like we only just brought Jordan home yesterday. It seems like I barely just fed him. It seems we barely just changed him. Oh wait - that last part is true - we did just barely feed and change him. ... hAHAH!

Time doesn't mean much these days, just another continuum of measurement that I'm unable to grasp. The weekend feels just like the weekday. The nights feel just like the days when the day is overcast. With Andy working from home most days on his research rotation and our nights and days still blurred by objective but defined more by the sun peeking in from outside, I can't seem to figure out when I am supposed to be doing what besides feeding and changing Jordan, and trying to snap some photos here and there (which I suck at by the way!).

I've wanted to clean the toilet, clear the dishes, fold the laundry and vacuum the floor but I've only been able to do tidbits of any of these while acknowledging I do desire some sleep. I've never had an inkling for sleep the way I do now, but at times, I do still find myself online, browsing facebook or blogs - doing nothing meaningful after a feeding, except wasting valuable sleep time.

During the day, I try to get at least one nap in, and upon successfully doing so, I am helping my BFF plan her engagement party, scouring ideas for birth announcements, trying to surpass the halfway point and finish a 560 page biography of Gordon B. Hinckley (one of the former prophets of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), attempting to get Jordan added to my insurance plan (what a nightmare!), doing my daily scripture study, trying to take care of my birth wounds, budgeting our monthly expenses, reading more about baby care through my plethora of newsletters and still trying to learn how to sew (there are only so many youtube videos I can watch).

Jordan, on the other hand, is sleeping, eating, peeing and pooping and getting more adjusted to being outside of the womb everyday (though he still loves a good swaddle). He grunts when he's pooping as he sleeps and the grunts have become increasingly more emphatic with zest! He has managed to pee while we change his diaper on average of 2 times per day, but his poop missiles have stayed constant totaling about 4 times (one of which I believe hit my face - imagine raising his legs and tilting his butt too high so that when the poop comes flying out, it hits your face which is not that far away observing this phenomenon). On occasion, he poops right after we change him, but who can blame him as pooping in a clean diaper trumps pooping in an already dirty one.

While grubbing, Jordan likes to do a number of things with his tiny mobile hands. Sometimes, he crosses them into each other as if contemplating the taste of his food. Other times, he has a loose fist by his ears as if to drone out the sound of anyone interrupting his feeding time. And of course, there is the sprawled out hand that is relaxed and when I put my finger underneath it, he will grab on, as if recognizing that I am his source of food and he does not want me leaving him. His eyes are still mostly closed during feedings but lately, he has been unlatching himself (instead of falling asleep) and pushing his head back , eyes closed and lips smacking as if to declare, "I'm wiped!" before he drifts off into baby dreamville. His feet haven't grown much but were quite large to begin with and he likes to kick his way out of a swaddle and cross his legs while eating.

He is also taller than before! When sitting in his carseat now, his head reaches the headrest where he once needed a supplemental blanket to pad. His cheeks are also puffier than before and he's starting to fill out his 0-3 month clothes a lot better than before (he was sporting the off the shoulder look prior to lately because the clothes were mostly all too big).

Photos to come...

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