Friday, July 27, 2012

My Friday Night

I don't think there was ever a moment in my life when I thought, this Friday night, as I stay home to clean the bathroom, clear the dishes, reline the stove, make some kale chips, read a book, and use a facial mask, I will have the best night ever!  But here I am chips made (and eaten), bathroom cleaned, dishes and stove pending and face mask and book awaiting, and it feels amazing.

I think too often, we classify what is and isn't a fun Friday night activity based on what society tells is is supposed to be a Friday night.  I remember when I used to opt to stay in and read instead of party on a Friday night.  My friends would voice utter respect for my decision but then deem it "lame" outloud and proceed to convince me to do the same thing Sunday afternoon and go out with them instead.  But after a week of long hours and brain power used to create excel schedules and have difficult conversations, the leisurely Friday was often what I wanted and needed.  At the heart of things, I am a huge homebody.  I'm sure a lot of people would think of my Friday night as dull and even go so far as to feel sorry for me.  I likewise, have thought of those dolling up at 10 PM on a Friday night or going out to eat with friends as a lot of work (get dressed, are you serious?!)  To each their own though.

There are plenty of people who LOVE getting ready to go out when I'm getting ready to turn in, as there are tons of people who LOVE catching up on household items and curling up with a good book instead of venturing out into the unknown.  But I will admit, I did not think I'd be here and yet I am.  Maybe it's motherhood, maybe it's maturity, maybe it's borderline OCD.  You just never know.  *sigh. You just never know.

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