Sunday, November 3, 2013

I Love Sundays

When I first joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, I was befuddled by the fact that I'd be losing a day usually dedicated to working out, brunch, relaxing, and shopping.  The missionaries taught me that Sunday was a time to retreat from work and aimed towards spiritually uplifting our family and self.  It was a rough adjustment at first, but four years later, I sincerely look forward to Sundays which are dedicated solely to uplifting things like family, worship, covenants, and relaxing.  I also can appreciate the challenge to get to Church on time with kids and make it through Sacrament meeting with my sanity.  

Here in Salt Lake, we live a few blocks from Church.  We don't walk regularly, but we always see our neighbors walking and last Sunday, Andy and Jordan decided to walk back while Bubba and I drove home.  The sun was out and made the cold quite pleasant.  Bubba and I got home, unpacked, and then waited for Jordan and Daddy to get back.  
 Jordan was so excited.. he was running back, probably the whole way!
 Our weekly Sunday photo.  An absolutely gorgeous day in Salt Lake!
 Here's Jordan close-up... so excited to run home!
Since being called as a Sunday school teacher recently, Sundays are always a nice retreat from the week's worth of planning for my lessons.  I can take a deep breath and not worry about another lesson until a few weeks later (I rotate with another teacher).  During the week, I don't usually have much time to craft, so I get to do a lot of crafting on the weekends (which for me is nothing serious, mostly things that are cheaper to make yourself considering the time commitment and novice crafting level I'm at).  I also catch up on my writing, organizing, and plan for the week with recipes and going through the week's activities.  We enjoy watching NFL football and sometimes golf at home together (well the boys enjoy it as I do other stuff) and we always have Sunday dinner with our extended family.  It's simple but great and I look forward to it every week.

And now, I'm in the mindset of wondering how stressful it must be to have two days of weekend to plan and figure out.  To me, having just one day to coordinate with my husband (what are we doing with the kids, when are you golfing, when am I doing an exercise class, are we eating out for lunch or dinner, etc.) and knowing exactly what Sunday will bring is comforting and nice.  I love it!

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