Saturday, February 16, 2013

Fun With Grandma

Having family in town is always great fun and now that Jordan is old enough to recognize his grandparents, it's not only fun while we're out and about or in and about, but also quite sad as he is still asking where Grandma went (in his way of holding up his hands and making a huh? sound and then looking under the couches and all around for something - in this case, Grandma) and Grandma has been gone for almost a week now.

This time around, when May left and Jordan had to say good-bye to her at the airport, his eyes welled up with tears and he whimpered.  Likewise, every morning Andy kisses him good-bye because Jordan's been waking up at 6:45 ish and Andy is normally getting ready to leave around 7:15 ish.  Yesterday, we realized Jordan refused to give his Daddy a kiss in the afternoon as the three of us were heading out, because in his mind, a kiss is associated with Daddy leaving.  He willingly gave me kisses galore but shook his head stubbornly everytime Andy asked for one.  It wasn't until he was buckled into his carseat and Andy was ready to drive the car that he gave him a kiss.

Our week was full of things while May was here.  We began with some basketball watching while Andy played, had some fancy lunch at Manito Tap House (and blew right through our dining out budget for the month but well worth it despite May and I making fun of Andy for seriously over-hyping the place which was good, but not as amazing as he kept insisting), made numerous trip to Walmart, grocery stores, and the mall, made our way to a Valentine play groups, gymnastics class, had take out from Spaghetti Factory, an elaborate Chinese New Year meal courtesy of May, ice cream with our Groupon, a music store where Jordan got a kazoo and a clown whistle, and storytime at the library.    When Jordan was asleep, we played a bunch of board games and had a blast learning Puerto Rico (new Christmas gift for Andy).

watching basketball before Daddy plays
attentively watching Daddy play!
yam chips at Manito Tap House
when going with kids, lunch time is the perfect time
Golf Digest with Grandma
 mall playground!
 play with me Grandma, look at what I got!
play-doh at the Valentine's party
 Grandma made us Spring rolls for New Year's!
 clown whistle and tuba!
 blocks at library storytime with Grandma
 computer time with Grandma
 playing the kazoo
 getting ready for board game fun

We've been constantly telling Jordan that Grandma will be back when Ethan is here.  For now, Facetime will have to do.  


Lauren said...

Grandparents are the greatest! London always gives her Grandma and Grandpa Snow the biggest smiles when she sees them. I'm worried she won't recognize my parents though, cuz she hardly sees them!

Love those pictures of Andy and Jordan playing their instruments, sooo cute!!

LunaMoonbeam said... know And isn't playing a tuba, right??

So much fun to have grandparents in town!!

SupaFlowaPowa said...

it's a trombone but coulda fooled me!

Carol Hamasaki said...

Is that Puerto Rico???? I loved playing that in college. Not too many people know how to play the game.

I am catching up on your blog! Love it! Hope you are doing well Daisy! Cooper is 20 months old now. Oh the tantrums....

Next time you are in LA, let me know. I live in San Gabriel, where all your favorite food places are. Let me take you to a place that's better (gasp) than Cathy's bakery!!