Friday, June 10, 2011

Not Living Up to the Asian Stereotype

I have not taken an obnoxious amount of photos of Jordan. I have not even tried to put his tiny fingers into a peace sign for a FOB photo. I'm a disappointment to the Asian stereotype.

Given I have two cameras and a flip, the majority of my photos should not be taken with my crackberry. Alas, they have been with the exception of when Andy is around and clicking away. I guess his half Asian stereotype is greater than my full one. That, or I'm just too tired and instead I have been enjoying my real time observations of Jordan growing. Whatever the case, through the eyes of my blackberry, one can see some pretty funny photos as well.

This one is the ugly photo of your kid you never want to post, but it's so funny - how can you not? It's as if he decided to give me the weirdest look ever in hopes that I would stop snapping photos on my phone of him (there's an annoying flash everytime)...
Do you LOVE his trendy lil Asian outfit? The fabric is UBER soft and perfect for him to sleep in (which accounts for 80% of what he does)

This one is him studying with Daddy. He seems so content whenever Daddy holds him and studies with him. Hopefully that means he'll be a brainiac like daddy and not bad at math like mommy.
His shirt says "Bananas over Mommy" ... hehe

This one is him saying... "enough with the photos Mom!" okay .... fine, no more.At least not until the Asian in me comes back and I am snapping away! You will love it like I loved it when I was a kid! Or at least, when you grow up and you have more photos than your friends ... ha!


NB said...

I also love the cute burping faces :) Good luck with the spit and etc.

Claire said...

Scrolling through all the posts since JP was born and he is amazing. We are going gaga over his cuteness. It makes us more excited for ours to pop out! They will be such good buddies :) Jordan's got some long arms!! Does that mean... future PGA champ? Seriously, we love Jordan and you guys and can't wait to hang again :)

jen said...

he's adorable!!! i can't wait to hold him! and see you too!!!