Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Day My Girl Scout Cookie Boycott Comes to an End...

Amazing - Jordan in school, Dagny napping, Cooper napping (on me), while Bubba does "quiet time" building a city with Jenga blocks.

Awful - Trying to keep the home clean when there are three kids and a newborn.  Even with the help of Lynne coming four days a week, I am at my wits end.  I want the kids to play, to enjoy their time with Lynne, and the dishes and laundry gets done, but the toys.. the cushions...they are absolutely everywhere.  I suppose, it's all with good reason as I may nurse upstairs an they bring toys to be with me.  But then Andy gets home and we eat dinner, do something fun, and then bedtime comes before we know it!  The only way it stays decent is if Andy or I go around to pick up stuff.  The kids can only do so much when we are limited in time.  

Amusing - I haven't touched girl scout cookies since 2012.  The year they were raised in price (I think it was 2013) from $3 to $4 a box, I decided enough was enough.  First, I cannot figure out why I can't just eat one.. and one becomes three boxes later.  Thin mints and Samoas are my weakness.

Alas, a friend's kid was selling them this year, so I sadly succumbed and abandoned my boycott.  It was a good 5 years, but times are changing and so must I.

I only ordered 2 boxes, but I've already had 2 so.. better now before all the extra baby weight comes off (or so I'm telling myself).

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